I grew up in the era of variety shows, on TV and at school (yes, that’s me in 1977!). A little of this, a little of that. Mr. Rogers, too, moved from songs to drawing (so relaxing to watch!) to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe (my favorite). And in school, a series of activities and tasks and mini-adventures awaited those who finished their work. I loved moving at my own pace during this quieter time.

Cake & Poetry is like that.

It began as a cookbook I shared with my sisters and sister-in-law.

And the name came from my brother who suggested “cake and poetry” when I said I wanted to make a little book or two that featured recipes and writing and seasonal photos and thoughts.

I’ve been inspired by Ideals Magazine. Does anyone else remember it? And by the “vertical file,” my mom, a former librarian, kept for us in the basement: clippings from newspapers and magazines, holiday decorations, pictures of famous people, bits of history that we might want someday for a school report — each item carefully saved.

As I type on my laptop, I still have an aching fondness for things cut from magazines, for school scissors, for construction paper and glue.

I hope Cake & Poetry will have that feel.

So, a little of this, a little of that: recipes, thoughts on writing and teaching, gardening successes and failures. Probably some book recs, probably some talk of my dogs and cat, most definitely Michigan appreciation and travel advice. Random thoughts and queries? For sure. News about publications and workshops, too.

I hope you enjoy it. And if you’ve ever been my student, you know I like a good takeaway, so I hope there are many good takeaways—just for you.

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writing and teaching, recipes and gardening, books and pets and all things Michigan


I am the author of six collections of poetry, including AIR, LIGHT, DUST, SHADOW, DISTANCE and MY LIFE IN HEAVEN. I teach in the MFA program at West Virginia University, and write, bake, garden, etc. in WV and in my home state of Michigan.